Physical Health | Arthritis | Asthma
Your body is a temple, treat it as such. Maintaining the best possible physical health has been a global concept throughout the ages. From a healthy diet to regular exercise, our quality of life and overall happiness stems directly from how we feel.
Everyday things can affect our physical well-being: pain, obesity, illness, etc. We are left with very few options to treat these, and one of the most common is medication. A positive alternative to taking pills is allowing your body to heal itself. It already knows how to do that, now you have to provide it with the place and the time. Sapphire Springs Hydrotherapy Center is that solution. Physical benefits include:
More than 50 million Americans suffer from arthritis. While there is no cure for arthritis, many individuals trying to cope with joint pain can find both instant relief from physical discomfort and long-term positive psychological benefits in the float tank.
Let’s dive into the science behind arthritis, and how float therapy can help.
Let’s be clear: float therapy cannot cure asthma, and little direct scientific research has been conducted on floating as a way to treat its symptoms. However, studies have shown that floating can help enhance many of the recommended practices for asthma sufferers, including relieving stress and simply getting a good night’s sleep.
Additionally, some individuals with asthma have anecdotally reported that the warm, moist air in the tank simply feels good to breathe in and out during a float. While this may sound insignificant, for people who may have been struggling to breathe easily for much of their lives, it can be quite a meaningful experience.
Athletic Performance
In December 2015, in the midst of a record-setting 22-0 start to the NBA season, the Golden State Warriors’ star Stephen Curry invited ESPN to follow him and teammate Harrison Barnes into their secret weapon: the neighborhood float center! Watch their firsthand account of how floating helps with muscle recovery, overcoming travel stress, and increasing focus. With its unique combination of physical and mental benefits, it’s little wonder that flotation therapy counts professional and amateur athletes among some of our biggest advocates. The relationship between floating and athletic performance is a complex one, with many possible reasons why so many elite athletes have taken up floating.
Read More: Athletic Performance
Pain Relief
From migraines to arthritis to backaches, pain can unfortunately come in all shapes and sizes. The good news is that flotation therapy offers relief to many kinds of pain: effortlessly floating with zero pressure on muscles and joints, supplemented by the stress reduction and enhanced sleep, can work wonders for relieving pain. Our frequent clients report these benefits of floating every day, but floating pain-relieving power is also supported by a sizable body of scientific research.
Pregnancy & Prenatal Health
There are many benefits of floating, but perhaps no group of individuals finds more immediate relief than pregnant women! With its sense of weightlessness and relief on achy joints and muscles, experiencing flotation therapy while pregnant can be a tremendous source of relief for expectant mothers.
While most doctors have no concern with pregnant women floating during the second and third trimester, as with most new activities, it’s recommended to check with your physician before your first float while pregnant. While little research has been conducted specifically on floating during pregnancy, there are still several known benefits of floating that seem to be amplified and can play an important part in a healthy pregnancy.
Weight Loss & Addiction
Weight loss secrets are a dime a dozen (and usually about as valuable), and treating addiction is serious and complex business. So to be clear: flotation therapy is not a magic cure-all or a quick fix for weight loss and addiction. However, scientific evidence does suggest that the unique benefits of floating can help individuals overcome substance abuse issues and better manage their weight. Here’s how:
- Sensory Isolation in Flotation Tanks: Altered States of Consciousness and Effects on Well-being, The Qualitative Report, December 2008.
- Flotation restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST) as a stress-management tool: A meta-analysis, Psychology & Health, 2005.